Earn Guild Announces Token Offering Dec. 13th 2021 on TrustSwap Launchpad for Earn to Play Gamers

Earn Guild, a decentralized player’s guild for play-to-earn gamers, has announced their collaboration with TrustSwap for the $EARN token offering December 13th at 5pm UTC on the TrustSwap Launchpad.
Play-to-earn games are skill-based blockchain games where players can compete and earn digital tokens.
Earn Guild supports play-to-earn players by offering resources such as:
- A marketplace for the sale and rental of play-to-earn NFTs
- Coaching for new players
- An exchange for game tokens
- Fiat gateways including the Earn Guild Mastercard
- Credit scores for players

Earn Guild offers token holders exposure to the fast-growing NFT and Play-to-Earn sectors with a robust feature set and a comprehensive ecosystem.
Earn Guild DAO
Earn Guild is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). Every player who holds $EARN tokens will have voting power and a voice in the guild. $EARN tokens allow all Earn Guild players and token holders to propose and vote on community changes to the platform. Examples of decisions that may be candidates for proposals and votes include uses for tokens acquired in buybacks and votes around which NFTs to acquire or sell for the vault.

NFT Marketplace
Earn Guild Marketplace is where Earn Guild players will buy and rent play-to-earn NFTs. NFTs used in all play-to-earn blockchain games will be available on Earn Guild Marketplace. Any Earn Guild player who owns a play-to-earn NFT can sell it, or rent it out, on Earn Guild Marketplace. Earn Guild will also have its own play-to-earn NFTs for rent.
Our platform will provide the tools for experienced players in Earn Guild to make their talents available to aspiring new players in Earn Guild. Coaches will provide a profile of themselves, a demonstration of their skills, and details about their coaching fees. Earn Guild players who are looking for a coach will be able to choose the coach who they feel suits them best.
The Earn Guild Exchange provides an easy way to trade between play-to-earn game tokens and convert them into $EARN tokens. $EARN tokens can be used in Earn Guild’s ecosystem. $EARN tokens can also be converted to fiat on the Earn Guild Fiat Gateway.
Fiat Gateway
Earn Guild will provide fiat gateway services to Earn Guild players including traditional currency accounts (USD, GBP, EUR, CNY and JPY); wallets for games tokens and major cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tether (USDT), BAT, Paxos (PAX), USD Coin (USDC) and EOS); and a payment card powered by Mastercard.
Credit Scores
Earn Guild has partnered with LedgerScoreâ„¢ to provide credit scores to Earn Guild players. A credit score is a rating based on earnings and evidence that you meet your payment obligations on time. LedgerScoreâ„¢ is a specialist provider of credit scores for the crypto community. With a credit score from LedgerScoreâ„¢, Earn Guild players will be able to borrow based on their earnings in Earn Guild. Earn Guild players can derive a good credit score by earning more from play-to-earn games and paying their rental fees on time.
Partners and Community

Token Utility
$EARN tokens will be used in Earn Guild for:
- Earn Guild Marketplace
- Renting NFTs for game play
- Voting in the DAO
- Payments to players (their share of winnings)
- Exchanging game tokens
- Coaching fees
- Fiat gateways
- Prizes to high-performing guild players
- Rewards to community leaders

Learn More About Earn Guild
Click the links below to learn more Earn Guild:
$EARN Token Offering Details
Please see our comprehensive blog post here for full details and instructions on how to participate in the $EARN token offering.
Who can participate in the $EARN Token Offering?
Anyone not domiciled in the USA, Australia, or UN sanctioned countries can participate in the $EARN token offering.
*The eligible countries list is selected by Earn Guild. If your country is not listed, this does not mean you are ineligible for future TrustSwap Launchpad projects.
** Launchpad dates are subject to change. This is not an endorsement, partnership or an offer for investment by TrustSwap. Earn Guild is using the TrustSwap Launchpad as a customer, with specific requests as to how they need their launch to operate. TrustSwap is a provider of non-custodial, smart-contract-based software services. Digital assets carry a high level of risk. Participation is performed at your own risk. Exercise caution and conduct your own due diligence.